Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Another Snow Day

Well, it's the end of the world here in Milwaukee. Or, at least it would seem that way, since everything in the city is closed due to the forecasted 18 inches of snow that we are supposed to be getting today. Milwaukee Public Schools are closed, and thus, so is Grace's day care. My new employer emailed all of us yesterday afternoon and told us that if we felt it was too dangerous to come into work today, we could stay at home and work. And, Aaron's employer told their employees to either brave the elements and drive to work or take a PTO day.

So, the three of us are all snuggled up at home today, watching the snow fall. I decided, after much deliberation, that I didn't want to make the 30 mile trek into work this morning and risk my life, so I stayed home and am working from here. Aaron, who is feeling under the weather anyway, took the day off and is busy entertaining Grace (and right now "entertaining" means the two of them cozy on the couch drinking chocolate milk and watching Sesame Street).

It's actually kind of nice for all of us to be home together in the middle of the week. I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about any of us traveling around the city in this awful weather. And, it's wonderful to be able to see Grace's smiling face in the middle of the day.

Often I wonder to myself why I decided to move back to Wisconsin after living in San Antonio. The winters here are terrible, and on days like these, I daydream about what it would be like to live in a place that never had snow or freezing cold days. Today, though, I am grateful for the snow and for the fact that we are stranded at home. I love having this extra time with my family.